Monday, December 12, 2011

New Family member and photos with santa

HEY FRIENDS i want everyone to meet my new love O'mally
he is 3 months old and is fluffy and adorable and loves to cuddle

                                                                "are family photo"

Ok let me tell how we adopted o'mally ronald and i took drusilla and gizmo to go meet santa and get family photos and there photo taken after that was said and done we saw the cats in a room, and wanted to go play with them well ronald saw o'mally and went for him and was playing and o'mally fell in love with us so we pick up are photos and leave the lady told us at the desk that the adoption fee for cats are on sale cheep if they have been there a long time. we get home and ronald couldnt get o'mally off his brain he asked and asked if we can adopted him and said yes we went back up there and said we want o'mally a part of our forever family we brought him home and he is adjusting just well :) here are some photos enjoy

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